The Human mind is a complex creature! When someone gets cancer diagnosis , it’s a very difficult time and they need space and care and love for themselves and their loved ones.. they need to feel burden free and if someone tells them it happened because you took others wrong upon your shoulder , they may say that’s OK , I don’t know.. I would be just at peace with it! It is too much efforts to raise voice or concern as world is not right and everyone can be responsible and it is just too much ! So give me space.. I would rather die or live with medications .. the last thing I want is to blame others. This is a right thinking for them as when they have already gone through so much .. no one wants to take more at ego level of consciousness and that’s truth!
Now, when child gets cancer and tries to fight it ; parents have same reactions and so are friends and family and no one really wants to bother someone who is already in pain and therefore they praise the young kid !
Now the ethical dilemma is that so such parents, relatives and friends are villains or supporters of their own neglect or comfort? Or are they really that caring! Or sending flowers , hugs , prayers is a civil or villain’s way out of responsibility yo fix society and what should be karmic price for such an action.
As child would take more and more pain if it gets praised for others mistakes .. and is this what a child deserves and a parent should make a decision like that for someone that he or she is guardian of? Or that’s a crime at soul level and now at ego level as well?
And maybe parents are burdened .. then what about society around them and their immediate and distant family .. or should it be parents .. so it is never war against cancer as cancer cells are not to blame … one’s own parental or societal neglect is to blame
So next time you hear a relative friend and almost always a parent blaming oneself or telling child to be brave ; when receiving harsher diagnosis as cancer.. that’s not compassion.. that is evil in form of compassion .. as now you know things can be fixed if everyone puts efforts in and karmic transfers of 98% is not allowed if you are lazy or ignorant or your friends and families are looking for self comfort or profit margins .. and blame should go where it belongs .. and in such cases parents should really never hurt themselves or others and do take care of self and child .. and ask questions .. to authorities and to friends and families and to society … how it dare to put my child at risk of cancer ? Take it for yourselves and your own child if you encourage such behaviour… and whoever is responsible should be evil and villain .. so keep your charities filled with plastic and artificiality to your own genetic codes of significant genetic disorders for you and your whole family if you show pity .., as whoever is responsible is responsible and get out of your false neglectful compassion as that’s hidden evil when 98% karmic transfer is happening at karmic level .. this is karmic holistic view .. keep going on with your regular scientific and holistic view please as karmic codes are in place for me and for those who believe in Akashic records .. and such souls would go in lower planes of existence for giving wrong advice and should wrong and unjustified compassion .. at karmic level with my karmic understanding at Akashic records ! And these codes are in place . So don’t take Mother Earths resources to show false compassion as it is what it is! At karmic level .. Akashic Tatv … and who can debate with that ? -
Shree Vidya !

My way:
How to achieve state of inner piece?
Healthy food , water and shelter for ALL
Dignity for ALL
Social Justice
inner Peace and Joy
Ability to create and face challenges to allow creativity to evolve
Drama only and only as needed without affecting others inappropriately and ability to take responsibility of one’s own karma within this lifetime for me and two lifetimes for all only if needed
Desires are ventured though not afflicted leading to cause of soul loss and soul fragmentations
Clarity and feeling of justice at the end of ventured life knowing one is OK being oneself.. immense self worth
(I want to evolve and reincarnate in higher planes of existence and learn different art forms .. and everyone is welcome! Spiritual realm is fun
Yet I love love to see human interactions and capabilities and understand human psyche and take the pain that is requested to gain this understanding as pain always has some purpose and I wield it for social uplift as taught by my Guru ! it’s a Guru/ Teacher relationship ! Soul Purpose , life purpose matters more than so many other things and difficulties and challenges and aches and pains teach us so much .. therefore all want to be part of this mumbo jumbo as incarnated souls and maybe you yourself is a very powerful soul on its/ her/ his own journey so find your GuRu or Guru would find you! ( if it meant to be)