Quantum MultiDisciplinary Alignment is a Karmic analysis technique where when we suffer physically without resolution in spite of taking good actions; then the technique helps to tunnel pain where it belongs. In the process it establishes Tunneling Routes through Physical experience of those who have taken unintended and unjust Karmic transfer.
Karma is the actions, thoughts and intents at Physical level of existence; where we take actions which cause certain reaction or outcome. Karma involves accountability and taking responsibility towards ones own wrong. However Codes can be Dharmic too where Duty on one precedes Karma that it incurs or even maybe not depends upon the duty one performs e.g. medical Doctor who wants to help their patients.
​However, if one is involve in Karmic transfer such as giving one's own responsibility to others, and when this becomes way of being for most as a collective ; such as collective environmental neglect by ALL of us using plastic; then DNA codes of Karmic responsibility would be revealed in the form of pain and suffering that may not resolve with regular medical treatment.
However, when such pain and suffering is transferred to only few ; where few take Karmic responsibility in the form of severe and incurable diseases for not fault of their own or at least not complete fault then such person may become weak. This is against Karmic law of Fair Justice. Once one gives responsibility to where it belongs then one have a chance to have no pain in the body within seconds , Quasi Instantly.
As one may be taken others wrong, these others may be a single Individual, an organization or system, or country at large etc. then the Quantum Tunneling occurs where Pain and suffering of those who suffered needlessly would be channeled to those who are truly responsible. This is a good Karma to give pain back to where it belongs as one understand that suffering has a value of learning and can be a humbling and wisdom filled experience in itself. At the same time allowing others to abuse one is a bad Karma where one feels others are not strong enough to wither discomfort and grow.
Quantum MultiDisciplinary Alignment Assessment is a Technique in the research to observe if our DNA has codes of collective Karmic Responsibility, codes to avoid karmic transfers.
Quantum Tunneling Channels can be established in the process. If we understand whose pain and therefore Karmic responsibility we have taken as an individual, then we can resolve our own pain by understanding reason behind pain and disease by giving responsibility back to those where it belongs. This technique is still in research phase and therefore All results permutations and combinations etc. are Guaranteed.
Quantum DNA Decoding also reveals if DNA codes are present of our own Karma and Karmic transfers while performing Karmic Pain assessment. This is an ongoing research though clients will be able to see the truth as is.
Is Quantum Science of Karma be presented in our Human Genome as a genetic Codes of Diseases at Individual and collective level of understanding would be a Question that I would like to put forth in front of Quantum Scientist and Genetic/ Human Genome Research Team.
In my Own Spiritual Awakening Process, I realized that once I take Responsibility of My Karma and My Dharma; and Give Responsibility of Others Karma and others Dharma back to them, I feel better at least at the Placebo level.
This is a Voluntary Research Clinic for Pain Assessment using Simple Visualization Technique.
Me as a Therapist and you as a research participant will keep a simple intent to tap into Your DNA's Cuing system itself to provide us with some clues about Karmic transfers and DNA mutations as a form of taking responsibility of others Karma in the form of disease or pain and intent is to find relationship in between Quantum Principles and our own and collective behavior.
This is my Atman, Goddess Lalita's Research and no entity knowingly or unknowingly will be able to interfere as it has strong ethical and moral code of conduct of Truth, Honesty, Accountability, Goodness and Peace at Quantum Level of Awareness.
In this pre-research data collection process, Client may see who is responsible for there pain and suffering and hope to get anywhere from zero to fifteen reasons that once healed, client may heal pain in one session just by knowing while giving back responsibility where it belongs.
This Technique is in the Developmental process as a self study at my own clinic Leverage Soul and Sound without any Monetary and Governmental connection at present and therefore Free of charge as this is a part of Research I am as a well provided member of a society and a student of life would like to take upon myself. The goal is to observe if clients reach to their root cause of Pain and Unease with this Spiritual (based on Hindu Philosophy of Karma and Dharma) and possibly scientific way of assessment.
I am grateful to ALL who participate in such Research an assistant to QMA Research Participants to provide a scientific non-invasive Drug free method that can be used by those who wants to use it.
As a student of science and student of spirituality, can it be proven that one's Karma and Dharma can be a Quantum Science that has an effect on Human Genome?
I will be doing my own research and will collect Data for next two to three years from Societal Presentations with BLOGs connected with different pain and unease states of collective if appropriate.
I , Honorable and Respectable Sister Prajakta Abhijit Joshi, PT , MA , Quantum MultiDisciplinary Alignment Practitioner will only act as a Observer who collects Data and pre-Research study participants themselves will be responsible for there own context and interpretations and are free to publish those understandings with their own media and social outlets if they deem appropriate.
Data will be collected during session in the form of Visualization notes and will be published by default as a necessity for anyone around the world to use such data for their own research. i will not Reveal study participants first and last names unless they insist.
This Clinic will act as a self-study Research with no monetary attachments and has a strong Ethical and Moral Code of Conduct from Akashic Records.
Core Values: Truth, Honesty, Accountability, Goodness and Peace practiced by Practitioner Prajakta Abhijit Joshi, PT, MA Quantum DNA Decoding Practitioner for Pain and Disease assessment.